Boendeinfo är informationsbrev till de boende i huset. Det delas ut på papper i varje lägenhets brevlåda.
Nedan hittar du äldre boendeinfo som vi delat ut. Nya boendeinfo laddas endast upp i BoAppa.
Klicka på länkarna nedan (grön text) för att öppna informations-bladen.
2023-09 Boendeinfo + inbjudan Lunden-dagen
In English
Boendeinfo is information letters to the tentants in Brf Lunden. They are distributed on paper to each apartment mailbox. Older letters are found in the archive below. More recent letters are only available on the BoAppa app.
On this page you find the information letters specifically in English. Most are machine translations (e.g. Google Translate) so check the swedish version if anything looks strange. Some documents are only available in swedish, so you might want check under "Boendeinfo" for those.
2023-19-22 Info on carbage collection